• Tour Home Page
    • Present “Freeform” photo
    • Summarize tabs/links in the top left functionality
      • Visit “Blogs” tab and “View on GitHub” tab
  • Discuss process of installing tools: go over hacks focusing on Tool Setup (ex: installing Python, VSCode, Homebrew…) and Github Pages/Blog Setup
    • Discuss challenges and obstacles faced in these processes
      • Ex: commands not working, confusion (lack of fully clear idea of goal/what to do), required software updates…
    • Since we first starting creating the lab notebook logging our accomplishments past the first week, we had to go back through sources such as Slack and Canvas to jog our memory on weekly progress from before
  • Discuss how we learned more about managing repositories in the process of transferring data when we had to make a new one due to updates
  • Quickly review through plans and then review tickets, discussing what they are and briefly going over the information inside each link
  • Go through each hack, beginning with the Snake Game
    • For each, discuss the process of editing code to make them personalized (what we did, why we did it, how we did it, what tools were used…) to demonstrate learning better
  • Go over improvements made overall and since previous Live Review session(s)