Team Roles

  • Scrum Master: Eashaan R.
  • Frontend Developer: Tucker G.
  • Backend Developer: Taj M.
  • DevOps: William L.

Geoguessr-Type/Geoguessr-Inspired Game PLAN: “Geoestimator”

For our Trimester 1 Passion Project, we as a group (Tucker, Taj, Eashaan, and William) decided that pursuing a project that attempts to recreate some functionalities of the popular game “Geoguessr” would be a good learning experience, unique way to show of our ideation plus coding abilities, and interesting method of summarizing the the knowledge we have gained and maintained throughout the first Trimester of this year.

General Overview/Ideas

  • A geographic location will be shown through a photo
    • Likely won’t be fully interactive unlike Geoguessr (no full 360 degree view/turning)
    • Somewhat easy/well-known location to identify to account for difficulty spread across different ages
      • Ex: the Statue of Liberty, the Eiffel Tower, the Leaning Tower of Pisa, etc…
    • Possibly use stored images with assigned corresponding/respective numbers; random number selected from a list; corresponding image gets chosen for variation between multiple play sessions
    • Users will answer through two potential methods
      • Potential method 1: a map that users will select a location on
        • Once the location is selected and confirmed by the user, the distance from the actual geographical location will be determined; the closer a user’s answer is to the actual location from which the photo was taken, the more points the user receives
      • Potential method 2 (if map is too difficult to implement): a text box below the image will be shown in which the user can type and enter the country, city, or state the given location is in
    • Users will have the ability to click a link to return to the home page, as well as the ability to click one that begins a new game (restarting the game; generating a new image, resetting text box or map, etc…)

Extra Additions/Detailed Explanations of Features

  • There will be other pages on the site, including a leaderboard
    • Goal is to implement a leaderboard containing scores
      • Accessed through home page of website
        • Home page also contains buttons for extra information/how to play and the play button to jump straight into the game (SEE DIAGRAMS BELOW for drafts of site’s differing pages)
  • Potential idea (not included in diagrams shown below) is to also have another gamemode or two
    • Modifications in terms of either difficulty and/or fun can be made
      • Potential for use of binary and lists
        • Ex: binary encoded images or messages like encoded latitude and longitude that must be decoded to determine a location and thus score points
    • Other gamemodes could have separate leadboards from the default gamemode

Sample of Frontend Design(s) - Base Format - Rough Draft(s)

Frontend Design - Passion Project PLAN #1.png Frontend Design - Passion Project PLAN #2.png Frontend Design - Passion Project PLAN #3.png Frontend Design - Passion Project PLAN #4.png

Frontend Diagram Notes

  • “More Info” section
    • Will contain details about us developers of the site
      • Descriptions regarding details of the process may be present
      • Possibly information about us as students of DNHS and partcipants of the AP CSP class
  • Answering section with “[Image]”
    • No diagram for the potential (and fancier/more advanced) map answering method is presented
      • Due to the fact that there are many different ways to go with the map method
        • Ex: running some type of outside map engine, creating the code ourselves from scratch, etc…
      • If we do actually end up pursuing this method for the final draft of our site, HOW we will implement it as a feature is still undecided for the most part