Theory and background for Deployment

Tools (Varun)

Overview - Steps for Deployment (Nandan)

  1. First thing that you need is a backend server. Backend server basically allows you to test your APIs and helps deploy your website. This is the first important step.
  2. EC2 Setup (This will have the most information): Log in to AWS IAM User: Start by logging into your AWS account with your IAM user credentials.

Launch a New EC2 Instance: Once logged in, search for EC2 and launch a new instance. You’ll be guided through the setup process.

Choose an Amazon Machine Image (AMI): An AMI is like a template for your virtual machine. Pick Ubuntu as your operating system, ensuring it’s the latest version approved by your teacher.

Select Free Tier for Memory and Disk: Opt for the Free Tier options to avoid unnecessary costs since this instance is for testing purposes only.

Configure Security Settings: Make sure to enable access for HTTP and HTTPS if your application will use these protocols. This ensures your web application can run smoothly.

Name Your Security Group (.pem) File: This file is crucial for accessing your instance securely via SSH. Name it after yourself or your team for easy identification.

Connect to Instance: Once the instance is set up, you can connect to it. This allow you to interact with your virtual machine.

  1. Deployment process:

You run through an EC2 using the steps above, and then after this you connect to an instance in which it helps deploy your website. An instance can contain many backend websites, in this case it would contain other classmate’s backends data for testing.

EC2 is connected through a cloud. You do this by going into instances in order to gain a connection. After getting this instance, you click on it and click the connect button in order to gain a connection.

Demo will be shown on screen by Torin and Arnav